1 The Lord created man of the earth, and turned him into it again. 2 He gave them few days, and a short time, and power also over the things therein. 3 He endued them with strength by themselves, and made them according to his image, 4 And put the fear of man upon all flesh, and gave him dominion over beasts and fowls. 5 They received the use of the five operations of the Lord, and in the sixth place he imparted them understanding, and in the seventh speech, an interpreter of the cogitations thereof.] 6 Counsel, and a tongue, and eyes, ears, and a heart, gave he them to understand. 7 Withal he filled them with the knowledge of understanding, and shewed them good and evil. 8 He set his eye upon their hearts, that he might shew them the greatness of his works. 9 He gave them to glory in his marvellous acts for ever, that they might declare his works with understanding. 10 And the elect shall praise his holy name. 11 Beside this he gave them knowledge, and the law of life for an heritage. 12 He made an everlasting covenant with them, and shewed them his judgments. 13 Their eyes saw the majesty of his glory, and their ears heard his glorious voice. 14 And he said unto them, Beware of all unrighteousness; and he gave every man commandment concerning his neighbour. 15 Their ways are ever before him, and shall not be hid from his eyes. 16 Every man from his youth is given to evil; neither could they make to themselves fleshy hearts for stony. 17 For in the division of the nations of the whole earth he set a ruler over every people; but Israel is the Lord's portion: 18 Whom, being his firstborn, he nourisheth with discipline, and giving him the light of his love doth not forsake him. 19 Therefore all their works are as the sun before him, and his eyes are continually upon their ways. 20 None of their unrighteous deeds are hid from him, but all their sins are before the Lord 21 But the Lord being gracious and knowing his workmanship, neither left nor forsook them, but spared them. 22 The alms of a man is as a signet with him, and he will keep the good deeds of man as the apple of the eye, and give repentance to his sons and daughters. 23 Afterwards he will rise up and reward them, and render their recompence upon their heads. 24 But unto them that repent, he granted them return, and comforted those that failed in patience. 25 Return unto the Lord, and forsake thy sins, make thy prayer before his face, and offend less. 26 Turn again to the most High, and turn away from iniquity: for he will lead thee out of darkness into the light of health, and hate thou abomination vehemently. 27 Who shall praise the most High in the grave, instead of them which live and give thanks? 28 Thanksgiving perisheth from the dead, as from one that is not: the living and sound in heart shall praise the Lord. 29 How great is the lovingkindness of the Lord our God, and his compassion unto such as turn unto him in holiness! 30 For all things cannot be in men, because the son of man is not immortal. 31 What is brighter than the sun? yet the light thereof faileth; and flesh and blood will imagine evil. 32 He vieweth the power of the height of heaven; and all men are but earth and ashes.
[AD 856] Rabanus Maurus on Sirach 17:15
The ways of human beings are their desires and their actions, which in any case do not escape God’s knowledge, since “everything is naked and exposed before his eyes.” This is why the psalmist says, “The Lord knows a person’s thoughts: they are but a breath.” But he has especially known the way of those whom he approves. Conversely, it is said that he does not know the ways of those whose actions he condemns. Thus it is written, “The Lord watches over the way of the just, but the way of the wicked ends in ruin.”

[AD 856] Rabanus Maurus on Sirach 17:17
We may interpret that the rulers placed by God over every people are the angels to whom he entrusted the care of each people, according to that word of Deuteronomy, “He set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the angels of God.” And one reads in the book of Daniel that there is a head of the Greeks and a head of the Persians, besides Michael, who is the head of the people of God. It also deals with the holy doctors, whom divine election established as those who would preach his word throughout the earth. Thus John was commanded in the Apocalypse to write to the angel of Ephesus and to the angel of Smyrna, and also to the angel of Pergamum and to the angels of the other churches.

[AD 430] Augustine of Hippo on Sirach 17:23
“And do not let the abyss swallow me or the pit close its mouth around me.” What does this mean? What is he praying for? The abyss of human iniquity is a great pit, and anyone who falls into it will fall very far down. However, if the one who has fallen confesses his sins to God, then the pit will not close its mouth around him. As it is written in the Psalms, “Out of the depths have I cried to you, Lord. O Lord, listen to my voice.” But it is different if the disaster found in another Scripture has happened to the sinner: “One who is devoid of reverence sinks deep into sin and is defiant.” The pit has closed its mouth on him. In what sense does it mean that it closed its mouth? It has plugged the sinner’s mouth shut. When the sinner refuses to confess his own guilt, then he is truly dead, and it has been fulfilled in him what is said elsewhere, “A confession coming from a dead person is like one who does not exist.” Brothers and sisters, we must greatly fear such a disaster. If you see someone commit a sin, consider that person as though he or she were sunk in the pit. But if, at present, you point out the person’s sin and he says to you, “I have sinned. I truly confess,” the pit has not yet closed its mouth on him. If instead you hear that person saying, “Is what I have done that bad?” then he has become a defender of his sin and the pit has closed its mouth. There is no way for him to be pulled back outside. Clearly if there is no confession, there is no recourse to mercy. If you defend your sin, how can God free you from it? If therefore you want him as your liberator, you must be your own prosecutor.